Health tips
How much water should you drink?
Most people need about four to six cups of plain water each day . But it may be surprising to learn that water intake is an individualized number.
Which the daily four-to-six cup rule is for generlly healthy people ,that amount differs based on how much water they take in from other beverages and food sources.
How many is too many eggs?
There is no specific number of eggs that a person should eat as part of a person should eat as part of a healthy diet . There may be some health benefits to eating a certain number of eggs, but more research into how many eggs a person should eat per day is necessary.
Tips for better sleep
some habits that can improve your sleep health:
Be consistent Go to bed at the same time each night and get up at some time each morning , including on the weekends .
Make sure your bedroom is quiet ,dark, relaxing and and a comportable temperature.
Remove electronic devices ,such as tv, computer and smart phones from the bedroom.
Avoid large meals , caffeine, and alcohol before bedtime.
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