Water is very important in our live. According to experts, water is ranked second only to oxygen as essential for life. With more than half of your body weight made of water, you couldn’t survive for more than a few days without it. On the other hand, you can survive without food for week.
Water is very important for your health
• Water is used in every cell of your body.
Water travels throughout your body carrying
oxygen, and wastes to and from
your cells and organs.
• Water keeps your body cool as part of your
body’s temperature regulating system.
• Water cushions your joints, and protects your
tissues and organs from shock and damage.
• Water acts as a lubricant for your joints, your
mouth and digestive system in saliva, and in
your nose, throat, eyes, and stomach as part of
• Water aids in digestion and absorption of
food, as well as in the removal of wastes from
your body.
• Water also helps you maintain a healthy
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